As we live out our faith as believers and disciple makers we experience both ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ in life. When these experiences occur in our lives, one can become distracted from their God given mission and become deeply discouraged and hopeless. In these moments, when everyone seems to be experiencing joy, it can bing unique sadness and isolation. As people experience these challenges in life, we must help them move from: Hopeless to Hope-Filled, Faithless to Fatih-Filled and Off-Mission to On-Mission. Your New Community family is with you. Because we believe God when He says that "weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes with the morning." We are trusting God that you will experience joy this season.
By this all
men will know
that you are
my disciples if
you have love f
or one another.
- John 13:35