about T.R.u.e Men Fellowship

T.R.U.E. Men Fellowship is an evolving community, composed of men from different walks of life, united by a shared commitment to live as strong, biblically-grounded, gospel-centered men. 

Together, we are committed to helping each other and the men around us to align our hearts, minds and actions with the Kingdom of God. 

As men, we believe God has called us to exemplify four core characteristics that define us as T.R.U.E. Men, calling us to pursue six core values of a Kingdom man.


Teachable Reliable Unselfish Exemplary


  1. Pursue God
  2. Love family
  3. Raise children
  4. Word hard
  5. Serve Jesus
  6. Help men

join the quiet revolution:
1,000 men strong

When men resolve to change, it not only reshapes the dynamics within families, but also strengthens the very fabric of our communities. It ignites a rippling effect of change that eventually impacts every segment of society. This is why T.R.U.E. Men Fellowship is dedicated to doing all we can to develop men of high character and biblical values. Our next step in activating our vision is 1000 Men Strong. 

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