Christian Foundation II: Growing Spiritually

Class Status: Open

Resource: Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges

Day: Sunday @ 10:45am

Location: NCBF

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We want to live loving, joyful, anxiety-free lives. Yet how can we live in grace when we’re so busy battling our old patterns of behavior?

This group will explore the nine aspects of the “Fruit of the Spirit” described in Galatians 5:22-23. These qualities of character can truly mark our lives if we devote ourselves to a twofold pursuit: God-centeredness and God-likeness. 

Christian Foundation I: Knowing God

Class Status: Open

Resource: How to Listen to God by Charles Stanley  

Day: Sunday @ 10:45am

Location: NCBF

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In a world filled with countless voices, how can we hear what God is trying to tell us? Join our group to learn how to distinguish God's voice from all the rest. This group will guide you in recognizing God’s voice amidst the noise, cultivating a receptive heart, and experiencing the profound joy and transformation that comes from an authentic relationship with God. Discover how listening to God can truly transform your life.


Ability Ministry

Class Status: Open

Day: Sunday @ 10:45am

Location: NCBF

Resource: The Fruit of the Spirit by the Ability Ministry

Did you know that 1 in 4 people has a physical or mental disability? People with disabilities desire to connect, worship, pray, and learn more about God just like everyone else. Bring your adult (18+) with special needs to our group, where they can worship, pray, and study God’s word at their own pace. We see your adult child’s ability to grow in truth and grace in an encouraging and supportive atmosphere tailored to their unique needs. Join us and experience a community that celebrates every individual's journey of faith.

Christian Foundation V: Doctrine and Theology

Class Status: Open

Resource: Bible Doctrine, Second Edition: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith by Wayne Grudem

Day: Sunday @ 11:30am

Location: Virtual

Zoom Link

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How do you know the Bible is God's Word? What is sin and how can you overcome it? How is Jesus fully God and fully man? What about the second coming of Jesus Christ? These are questions that every Christian should have the answers to. Join this group, where you will discover the answers to these questions along with many more. 

Kingdom Finances

Class Status: Open

Resource: Instructor Handouts & The Bible

Day: Sunday @ 1:00pm

Location: Virtual

Zoom Link

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Are you ready to dream again and focus on your life purpose? In this class, you’ll be given the practical financial steps to make your dream a reality. You’ll learn a greater level of discipline in all your financial decisions, so your newfound wealth stays in your family, and not with creditors. 


My Body His Temple

Class Status: Open

Resource: Philippians by John McArthur

Day: Tuesday, Bi-Weekly @ 7pm

Location: TBD


In this health support group, get ready to understand how God wants you to honor Him with our bodies. Through biblical teachings and practical discussions, we’ll explore how to maintain physical, mental, and spiritual health. Discover how honoring God with your body can lead to a more fulfilling and faithful life.