R.E.A.C.H. Cleveland

Class Status: Open

Resource: Acts (Life Change) by Nav Press

Day: 1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 7pm

Location: CO-ED – NCBF & Cleveland[5]


This group will look to connect with our Make Cleveland Better in order to create evangelism opportunities through service.  This group will also partner with NCBF in various evangelism opportunities around Cleveland.  They will meet once a month for bible study and the other week serve and witness in Cleveland.   

M.A.D. Men in the City

Class Status: Open

Resource: The Bible

Day: Thursday, Bi-Weekly @ 5:45 *pm

Location: Men Only - Shaker Hts. 


This group of men ministers to young men in partnership with Youth for Christ

Golden Care Ministry

Class Status: Open

Resource: The Bible
Day: 2nd & 4th Thursday’s @ 2pm
Location: McGregor Nursing Home (14900 Private Dr, East Cleveland, OH 44112)

In this group you will have the opportunity to be a part of a team that will visit a nursing home and minister to the elderly. Come and join us and help us create a Christ centered experience that includes worship, preaching, personal one on one encouragement, and prayer.